Sunday, May 22, 2011

In a Christian Writer's Life: Writing talent and spiritual gifts

In a Christian Writer's Life: Writing talent and spiritual gifts In reading I Cor. 12, I realize anew that our Father in Heaven has given me several gifts. And through the years, I have used a gift for a season, then that was over and another mission was given to me.
I have been told my man that I have the gift of prophecy. One preacher even told me that I have the office of Jeremiah. I rejected all of these as man's words. Then I learned that telling about Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. So I guess we all have some of this.
As I read the Scripture, I know that God has given me wisdom and knowledge. I am a retired teacher, but I still teach by writing on facebook and other places. I had a book published in 2010. I am having book signings now. This writing came to me one morning in Jan. of 2010 at 6:00 am. I am NOT a morning person, but the title of this book and line of words were going across my inner eyes. I had to get up, go to the computer and get Word fired up. I wrote for 13 hours that day. I didn't have to think about the words, they just came. So I know it is the work of the Holy Spirit.
I also have a strong faith that keeps me alive when my life would be so hard to live. God touched my heart when I was about 6 years old. I was born again at age 11. And I have walked with Him, fellowshiped with Him for all my life which has reached 68 years.
I also have the gift of distinguishing of spirits. This has gotten me into trouble in my early adult life before I knew how to use this. But I can tell what spirit is in a person without meeting that person. Then, after talking with him/her, I get that spirit affirmed.
So, God uses what He gave me as He wants to. I am sold out to Him. I meet with Him each morning for fellowship. Then, the rest of the day, I do what the Holy Spirit leads me to do. That is why I am writing this.
Thanks, Sandy

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